Conflicts of Interest
Conflicts of Interest Policy
Editors, authors, and peer reviewers must disclose any interests that could potentially influence their ability to evaluate or review work impartially. These interests may include financial factors (such as patent ownership, stock ownership, consultancies, or speaker fees) or personal, political, or religious interests.
Below, you’ll find guidance on the policies that help us manage conflicts of interest and what we expect from you to comply with these policies. We also recommend reviewing the guidelines provided by The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
“A conflict of interest occurs when professional judgment concerning a primary concern (such as patient welfare or research validity) may be influenced by a secondary interest (such as financial gain). The perception of a conflict of interest is just as important as an actual conflict.”
While strict policies preventing individuals with conflicts of interest from publishing might encourage authors to hide relevant interests, this could ultimately be counterproductive.
Key Guidelines for Editors, Authors, and Peer Reviewers:
Declaration of Interests: Journal editors, board members, and staff involved in publication decisions should disclose their relevant interests. These disclosures should be published on the journal’s website and updated regularly. The journal should also disclose how conflicts of interest were managed for specific articles.
What to Disclose: Editors should clearly explain what interests need to be disclosed, including the time period they should cover (e.g., the last 3 years). Authors should disclose relevant funding (e.g., travel grants, speaker fees), as well as any patents, stocks, or shares they own.
Publishing Conflicts of Interest: Editors should publish authors’ conflicts of interest if they are relevant, or a statement confirming their absence. When in doubt, editors should prioritize transparency and disclose as much as possible.
No Conflicts of Interest Statement: If authors claim they have no conflicts of interest, editors should publish a statement confirming this.
Managing Peer Reviewer Conflicts: Editors should ensure that peer reviewers disclose any potential conflicts of interest before accepting a manuscript for review. If a conflict exists, reviewers should be asked to recuse themselves from the review process.
Perceived Conflicts for Editors and Editorial Staff: If editors or members of the editorial board have any personal interests that may compromise their ability to make an unbiased editorial decision, they should step aside from discussions or delegate the decision to another editor. Alternatively, they may suggest that authors submit their manuscript to a different journal if the conflict cannot be managed.