Journal Details

Name of The Journal:

Ambedkar Path

(International Interdisciplinary Bilingual Research Journal)

 आंबेडकर पथ

(अंतरराष्ट्रीय अंतरानुशासनिक द्विभाषी शोध पत्रिका)

Publisher and Place of Publication:

Dr. Ambedkar Chair on Human Rights and Environmental Values

डॉ. आंबेडकर मानवाधिकार एवं पर्यावरणीय मूल्य पीठ

(Ministry of Social Justice, Government of India)

पंजाब केंद्रीय विश्वविद्यालय

Central University of Punjab,
घुद्दा, बठिंडा-151401 (पंजाब) भारत

Ghudda, Bathinda-151401 (Punjab) India

Year Of Start/Established:January 2024 
Hard Copies :Yes, our Journal Ambedkar Path are online and in Print Mode    
e-Publication:Yes               Website : 
ISSN Number:3048-7781 
Peer Reviewed:Yes 
exclusion criteria :We avoid Plagiarism and follow-up as per UGC guidelines, We strictly follow our Author’s guidelines. We also avoid AI content.