Manuscript Submission Guidelines:

‘आंबेडकर पथ’ अंतरराष्ट्रीय अंतरानुशासनिक द्विभाषी शोध जर्नल हेतु निर्देशों के साथ शोध आलेख व रचनाएँ आमंत्रित हैं-

  1. शोध आलेख एवं रचनाओं को 3000 शब्दों और पुस्तक समीक्षा को 1000 शब्दों तक ही सीमित रखें। पुस्तक समीक्षा के लिए ऐसी पुस्तक का चयन करें, जो महत्त्वपूर्ण और प्रासंगिक हों और जिसका प्रकाशन गत दो वर्षों के भीतर हुआ है।
  2. सामग्री अनिवार्यतः वर्ड फाइल में यूनिकोड/कृतिदेव (साइज 14) में ही भेजें। वर्ड फाइल के साथ पीडीएफ़ भी भेजना अनिवार्य है।
  3. शोध आलेख या निबंध में एंडनोट (एमएलए/शिकागो/हार्वर्ड) ही इस्तेमाल करें। ग्रंथ सूची की आवश्यकता नहीं है।
  4. पहले पृष्ठ पर सबसे नीचे केवल दो पंक्तियों में योगदानकर्ता का नाम, पद और संस्थागत संबद्धता का उल्लेख होना चाहिए। अंतिम पृष्ठ पर लेखक के पते, ई-मेल और मोबाइल न. का उल्लेख अवश्य करें।
  5. आप शोध आलेख या अन्य रचनाएँ संपादक के पास अपनी सुविधा से भेजें. शोध आलेख/रचनाएँ सर्वथा मौलिक और अप्रकाशित होनी चाहिए। शोध आलेख/रचनाएँ के चयन में प्रधान संपादक व संपादक मण्डल का निर्णय अंतिम होगा। शोध/आलेख पर प्रेषित करें।

Manuscript Submission:

The manuscript must be your own original work. We prefer submissions via email, formatted in a 10-point font with single-line spacing, and accompanied by a brief synopsis. Please include the word count of your manuscript and a short covering letter with relevant details about yourself and your work.

You must enclose a Stamped Self-Addressed Envelope (SSAE) so that we can return your manuscript and provide feedback. Additionally, include payment for the editor’s report. Please refer to the Publication Charges for a detailed explanation of our fees. Subject to our editors’ assessment, Ambedkar Path may consider publishing your work in a traditional format or, for works with limited market appeal, offer a Co-Publishing arrangement.

After receiving the assessment, the author has the opportunity to revise the manuscript based on the editors’ feedback. This often involves reworking elements such as point of view, a common challenge for new authors, and refining structure and character development. If the Ambedkar Path editors approve the manuscript, we will contact the author to discuss publishing options based on the title’s potential market viability.

A thorough manuscript assessment is invaluable. An objective evaluation is essential—authors should avoid seeking opinions from friends or family and instead submit their manuscripts to a professional editor. Ambedkar Path offers this service and will not consider manuscripts from unpublished authors unless they undergo assessment by our own editors. We have occasionally found that evaluations from other agencies fall short of our standards.

The Advantage of Co-Publishing over Self-Publishing:

The key difference between Self-Publishing and Co-Publishing is that under a Co-Publishing arrangement, Ambedkar Path handles distribution, line editing, typesetting, proofing, printing, book design, co-finances production, and provides promotional support. This includes creating a personalized page for the author’s work and bio, as well as organizing author launches and talks to promote the book.

In contrast, Self-Publishing places the responsibility for all these tasks solely on the author, which often leads to failure due to the complexity and effort involved. A proper manuscript assessment is crucial. Writers should not seek feedback from friends or relatives but should submit their work to a recognized editor. Ambedkar Path offers this service and will not consider manuscripts from unpublished authors unless they are assessed by our editors, as we have not always been impressed with evaluations from other agencies.