
Peer Review Process

Our journal follows a double-blinded peer review process, ensuring that the identities of authors remain anonymous to both Editors and Reviewers. Similarly, authors do not have access to Reviewer details.

Reviewer Responsibilities

Upon receiving a manuscript from the Editorial Board, the Reviewer should confirm within a few days whether they are willing to evaluate it based on their expertise. Once accepted, the Reviewer is expected to provide one of the following recommendations after completing the peer review process:

  1. Accept – If the manuscript is well-written and relevant.
  2. Reject – If the manuscript is not relevant or does not meet quality standards.
  3. Revision Required – If minor revisions are needed before acceptance.

Reviewer Guidelines

  • Reviews should be unbiased and transparent in their assessment.
  • Decisions must be submitted within one week of accepting the manuscript.
  • Reviewers must maintain confidentiality of manuscript details until publication.
  • The Chief Editor has the final authority to accept or reject a manuscript.
  • Any conflicts related to the manuscript, authors, or Editors should be reported to the Editorial Office.
  • Reviewer feedback and suggestions to improve the journal are always welcome.